Have Your Say



Please enter your postcode (will not be shared)

How long have you lived in this area?

How many people live in your household?

Please use the sliding scale below to indicate your answer.


Approximately how much does your household spend on food shopping each week?

Does this include pet food?

Where do you spend the majority of your food budget each week?

Check ONE or TWO options:

If other, please specify

If supermarket, which ones do you regularly use?

Which attractions help you decide where to buy your food shopping?

Please choose up to FIVE options:

If other, please specify,

Do you or anyone else in your household grow any food?

If yes, please state WHAT you grow

In an average week, how often do you go food shopping in a supermarket?

In an average week, how often do you go food shopping in local stores in Filwood, for example Costcutter, Spar or Local Value?

In an average week, how often do you go to independent food shops or market stalls in Bristol, for example greengrocers or butchers?

In an average week, how often do you eat at takeaways or fast food outlets?

In an average week, how often do you buy food shopping online and have it delivered?

In an average week, how often do you eat something that you or someone you know has grown?

Approximately how far is your house to the place that you buy most of your food?

What method of transport do you use to travel to the place that you buy most of your food shopping?

Would you like to be able to do more of your shopping more locally?

So far, Knowle West has been unsuccessful in getting a supermarket to open here! But if a new local shop were to open or a current shop to expand, what types of food would you like to be available?

Choose as many options as you like.

If other, please specify,

Which attractions would make you more likely to shop from a local food store?

Please choose up to FIVE options

If other, please specify,

Do you have any additional comments you would like to share?